The Things Half-done (Bright Year: Day 18)
The things we leave half-done.
For me it's a hundred little projects, most of them littered about in my laptop or the confines of my skull. The beaver ain't got nothing on this guy. You'll find my teeth marks everywhere.
While there's something to be said for ditching activities to make room for new ones, there are certain projects that shouldn't be abandoned. There are logs waiting to be gnawed through.
"Jesus appeared to them over forty days, speaking about the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3). What exactly did he cover? Among other things, "He interpreted for them all the things in the Scriptures concerning himself" (Luke 24:27). They had heard it before but hadn't put it together. So Jesus gave them another round to get it right. Lo and behold, it took.
So in the Easter light we start again. We take up that thing that was left behind but shouldn't have been. We know the Kingdom for real. And for me, it's also figuring out blockchain. It's learning how to implement drum loops. And building that treehouse. Because it's a new day for something old.