Unstuck (Bright Year: Day 4)
The Risen One lives to get people like you unstuck.
Christ walked the earth for forty days in large part to get them unstuck. Thomas was stuck in his doubt. Jesus told him to touch the scars. Simon Peter was stuck in his shame. Jesus moved him to a glorious new profession of feeding the church flock. Mary was stuck in her grief. And Jesus, so often looking like the Gardener, called her name.
Yes, you can change.
The risen Jesus doesn’t believe in stuck. He doesn’t believe in your stuck.
He makes a way for His disciples. He makes a way for you. And this blade of grass, wending its way up in my backyard, apparently issues its “amen.”
Bright Year is a series exploring how the good news of Jesus’ resurrection shines over every day of the year. Read the series introduction for more.