Raised out of Bitterness (Bright Year: Day 25)
I’ve been cranky recently. It has a lot to do with some sensitivity training I’m doing. Don’t get me wrong, the materials are quite good. Still, for hours I’ve been told that proper regard for others is extremely difficult and a long process and, if you mess this thing up, there will be serious consequences for all parties involved. The “shoulds” have piled up on my heart so heavy that it’s hard to feel anything but resentment.
Jesus taught that He came to take care of His sheep, nay, to die for His sheep. It was a motley flock, no doubt, but Jesus served them to the bitter end. He willingly humbled Himself, even to death on the cross.
The thing is, Jesus could have come back bitter. Given His level of sacrifice, He could have come back in a brutal spirit, demanding, “You owe me.” But He doesn’t. He’s not bitter. The resurrected shepherd comes back speaking peace. His resurrection is the end of any bitterness. The raised are not aggrieved.
”The reason my Father loves me,” explains Jesus, “is that I lay down my life - only to take it up again” (John 10:17). May the good Lord teach our hearts to lay down and rise up. May no bitterness follow us in the ascent.